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Who Can Get Egg Freezing?

In previous years, the technique used in egg freezing was less efficient. Frozen eggs suffered major losses after thawing. However, thanks to developing techniques, egg freezing has become a widely and successfully applied procedure, just like embryo freezing, with the introduction of the vitrification method. As a result of research conducted on this subject, it has been determined that there is no significant increase in anomalies in babies born from pregnancies obtained with eggs frozen and thawed using the vitrification method, compared to babies born with fresh eggs.

Who can undergo egg freezing?

  • To facilitate synchronization between the donor and the egg cell recipient during donation treatment,

  • In couples who produce few eggs, to reach a certain number of egg cells during fertilization and to increase the success of the applied treatment,

  • Women who are concerned about losing their fertility due to social indications, such as career planning, postponing having children for any reason, or advancing age,

  • Egg freezing may be performed in women diagnosed with cancer before cancer treatments begin, assuming that the ovaries are damaged.

How is egg freezing performed?

In order for the egg cell to be effectively frozen, it must be taken out of the body. Before the application, a drug treatment called ovulation induction is applied in order to ensure the development of an appropriate amount of eggs. The mature and high-quality egg cells collected under general anesthesia are separated. These cells are subjected to the freezing process using the vitrification method. The period between the drug treatment applied to the woman and the freezing process lasts approximately 10-15 days.

Can the fertility of women who want to make a career be preserved?

Women have become the gender that takes on more responsibility and works more actively in business life. Women lose their fertility under these responsibilities. Egg freezing is a practice that allows women to experience their fertility at any age. Women do not miss their fertility age while undertaking these tasks. Women who are born with a certain number of eggs spend a certain number of egg cells every month with puberty. Therefore, when they reach the age of 35, their egg cells reach a low level. At this age, they have difficulty getting pregnant and they are more at risk of miscarriage and having babies with anomalies. Egg freezing gives women the freedom to become mothers at the age they want and preserves their chances of having a healthy baby. Therefore, we can recommend that women request egg freezing if they postpone having children.

Should women diagnosed with cancer lose their fertility?

Women diagnosed with cancer should request egg freezing before starting cancer treatment if they are not yet married or want to have children. Because cancer treatments cause damage to the woman's ovaries. Since the woman will enter early menopause after cancer treatment, having children may be a dream. In the egg freezing process to be applied to these women, it is preferred to freeze the ovarian tissue instead of the eggs. Because the hormone drugs given to obtain eggs can have harmful effects on cancer patients. Some or all of the ovarian tissue can be removed and the woman can become pregnant after treatment. Women should not lose their chance to become mothers when they have cancer.

The aging of women's egg cells can be stopped by egg freezing.

As women age, the egg cells in their ovaries decrease, causing the egg cells to age. Women are less fortunate than men in this regard. Even if men reach the age of 80, sperm production continues and they maintain their chance of becoming a father. For women, the countdown continues to accelerate from the age of 35. The decreasing number of egg cells also ages. Women gradually approach menopause and lose their chance of becoming a mother. Even if they are able to get pregnant at this age, the risk of miscarriage increases during pregnancy and the possibility of giving birth to a baby with a congenital anomaly increases. Egg freezing provides women with an opportunity to stop the aging of their eggs. Women who want to use this should request egg freezing during their young years when their eggs are healthy. They should be able to use their right to become a mother at any age and protect their fertility. It is appropriate for women who want to do this to make this decision before the age of 35. Because the eggs to be frozen will have the characteristics of the age at which they were frozen and will ensure the birth of healthy babies.


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