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When to Use Ultrasonography During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

Ultrasonography During Pregnancy

As is known, pregnancy is a very important period that requires constant monitoring. Certain medical methods are actively used during pregnancy monitoring. Thanks to indispensable methods such as gynecological examinations and ultrasonography tests, all details about the health and development of the baby and the mother can be learned, and rapid interventions can be carried out when deemed necessary.

Ultrasonography is one of the most effective methods in pregnancy monitoring. The baby is constantly monitored thanks to ultrasonographic examinations, which are indispensable for pregnancy monitoring in today's world.

All ultrasonographic examinations performed during pregnancy are called obstetric ultrasonography. The beginning of ultrasonography dates back to the 1970s. In recent years, the reflections of the developments in technology in the field of medicine have emerged, and as a result of the development of the medical world in proportion to technology, a complete examination of the baby is provided thanks to real-time ultrasonography devices. Experts need to complete their checks on when to use ultrasonography during pregnancy and whether it is safe. The reason for deciding when to use ultrasonography during pregnancy and whether it is safe after the checks of experts is that high-frequency sound waves need to be sent to the body during the ultrasonography procedure.

What are the main purposes of using ultrasound during pregnancy?

  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy and control of pregnancy: While pregnancy detection cannot be achieved in the very early stages with home tests, it can be achieved in the 4th or 5th week with the help of ultrasonography.

  • Threat of miscarriage: Problems that may arise during pregnancy are detected early thanks to ultrasound examinations, and interventions can be made when deemed necessary. After the baby is seen to be alive on ultrasound, the presence of death in the womb or the condition called empty sac is checked and the necessary procedures are carried out.

  • Determining the size that can be seen in the gestational sac: The length and volume measurements of the fetus reveal all the details about the baby's development and the week of pregnancy.

What are the parameters observed during pregnancy follow-up with ultrasound?

The data that should be recorded and monitored during pregnancy follow-up are as follows.

Measuring the baby's head and hip circumference: It provides very important results in determining the baby's development and following the regularity of the development process.

Measuring head circumference: Measuring the baby's head circumference is one of the most important factors in monitoring the development of the baby during pregnancy. It should be noted that the results of ultrasound may vary from baby to baby, as head circumference will vary in proportion to weight and hip circumference.

Femur length measurement: Femur is the name given to the bone between the knee and the hip. The femur bone, known as the longest bone in the human body, is examined with ultrasound tests during pregnancy to check whether the baby's development is proportional to its height.

Measuring the abdominal circumference: Very detailed data regarding the weight and development of the baby in the final stages is obtained by measuring the abdominal circumference. Determining the weight of the fetus is a very important factor in detecting any disorders that may occur or may occur in the baby.

When is Ultrasonography Used During Pregnancy and Is It Safe?

This question is called an application that everyone wonders about, and some circles consider it unnecessary and unsafe. However, what we have mentioned above and what we will explain now will give you detailed information about the reliability and importance of using ultrasonography during pregnancy . Not using ultrasonography during pregnancy will provide information about the possible disorders that may occur or may occur in the baby, possible developmental delays, the location of the placenta and the pressure that one baby will apply to the other in multiple pregnancies, and thus, early diagnosis and treatment of risk factors that occur during pregnancy will be provided. Constant contact with obstetricians and timely gynecological and ultrasonographic examinations and tests will bring about a healthy pregnancy and birth.


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