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When Can You Hear Your Baby's Heartbeat?

Although pregnancy seems like a very difficult period for expectant mothers, it is actually a meaningful and special time. From the beginning of pregnancy, every expectant mother goes through a different process and experiences different symptoms. Especially when the expectant mother goes through difficult efforts to get pregnant, her experiences and concerns are experienced more deeply. She worries about her baby's health and is more afraid that anything will happen to her baby. After the diagnosis of pregnancy, the important issue for the expectant mother is about her baby's heartbeat. Expectant mothers, who have a different anxiety about this issue, have a problem with their baby's heartbeat not being heard. The only way to comfort them is to hear their baby's heartbeat. However, pregnancy and birth go through certain processes. Expectant mothers who are conscious about these issues know better how to act and how to react to developments. Knowing that even the baby's heartbeat will be heard at a certain period is quite comforting for the expectant mother.

When can the baby's heartbeat be heard during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers should not stress about their baby's heartbeat. This is because of the negative effects of stress on pregnancy. A stressed mother will harm both herself and her baby. At the same time, she will put her pregnancy at risk during the sensitive first trimester of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the baby's heartbeat can sometimes be monitored in different weeks. During pregnancy, some expectant mothers can see the baby's heartbeat during the 5-week pregnancy check-up. However, this impression occurs in most pregnant women during the 6-week pregnancy period. It is possible to listen to the baby's heartbeat with a doppler ultrasound. Pregnant women can most easily listen to the baby's heartbeat in the 10th and 12th weeks. From the moment the baby's heartbeat is heard, it is necessary to monitor the heartbeat throughout the pregnancy. A transvaginal ultrasound may be required to monitor the baby's heartbeat in the 5th week of pregnancy. This method can be applied in risky pregnancies. However, it is recommended that expectant mothers do not rush and do not stress about this issue. The baby's heartbeat rhythm and the structure of the heart are evaluated at different periods. However, in order for the evaluation to be made healthily, the pregnancy must be 20 weeks. In this way, it can be determined whether there is any problem with the heart valves or the heart.

What happens if the baby's heartbeat is not monitored during pregnancy?

After the 6th week of pregnancy, when the baby's heartbeat can be heard normally, if the heartbeat cannot be heard or monitored, the baby may be considered dead. This can be diagnosed after special ultrasound examinations are performed. If this is diagnosed, the baby may be removed by abortion. Because leaving the baby in the mother's womb is both dangerous and impossible.

How to understand that the baby is healthy during pregnancy?

The thing that women going through the pregnancy process desire the most is to watch the baby's heartbeat and feel its movements. The expectant mother is very sensitive about these issues. The loss of heartbeat and movements is one of the issues that the expectant mother experiences the most anxiety. Feeling the baby's heartbeat and movements is very important as a new life begins inside the expectant mother, a positive pregnancy test, and the growth of her belly. Your baby starts to make you feel its presence with its heartbeat from the 5th or 6th week. The baby's movements start from the 7th week. However, most expectant mothers cannot notice these movements. However, these can be felt in the 14th and 26th weeks of pregnancy. It is easier to feel these in women who have given birth before. Also, thin expectant mothers who are not overweight are luckier in this regard.

What does it mean if the heartbeat is not monitored even though the pregnancy is normal?

In some pregnancies, the membrane that forms the gestational sac and the placenta develop normally. However, the baby cannot be observed inside the structure that forms. The only symptom of this type of pregnancy, which is medically known as anembryonic pregnancy, is not being able to see the embryo in the sac and not being able to monitor the baby's heartbeat. In these types of pregnancies, after the mother ovulates, fertilization occurs with the sperm from the father. The fertilized egg progresses through the mother's fallopian tubes and manages to attach to the uterine wall. The development of the cells over time allows the formation of the sac. This is where the embryo will develop, along with the placenta.

In normal pregnancies, the baby inside the sac can be observed in an ultrasound examination performed approximately 5 weeks after the last menstrual period. In pregnant women, the embryo can be observed and the baby's heartbeat can be heard during this period. However, it would be better not to rush to make a correct diagnosis. The reason for this should not be ignored because the expectant mother's ovulation period may be later. Therefore, the examination performed in the near term should be repeated. In general, women with irregular menstrual cycles, altered ovulation patterns or who cannot remember the last menstrual period correctly may experience problems such as not being able to monitor the baby and not hearing the heartbeat. When such deviations occur, the baby's development will also be affected and the impressions may be delayed by 1-2 weeks. Therefore, before diagnosing a blighted pregnancy in pregnant women, the condition, structure and development of the sac should be observed and a period of time should be waited. Blighted pregnancy does not show any symptoms. Expectant mothers experience a pregnancy period like normal pregnancies. The only symptom of this is that the embryo inside the sac and the heartbeat cannot be monitored.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such a condition, the pregnancy must be terminated. If this is not done, an empty sac can cause severe pain and bleeding in the woman. Since the woman will experience a miscarriage along with these effects, it will be a more difficult process. Women who experience such a condition can consider getting pregnant again within 1-2 months. However, first of all, the mother and father-to-be should pay attention to their diet and sleep patterns and stay away from alcohol and cigarettes in order to increase the quality of their eggs and sperm.


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