The problem of “urinary incontinence” is the sudden and uncontrolled discharge of urine from the urethra while a person is continuing their daily life. Urinary incontinence is a very common problem. 5 out of 10 women have urinary incontinence. However, people usually avoid going to the doctor due to shyness and embarrassment. However, it is a problem that can be corrected with very simple treatment methods. Urinary incontinence significantly reduces the person’s quality of life. Sometimes it can be severe enough to disrupt daily life.
Urine leakage can occur especially during reflexes, i.e. laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercise, or carrying heavy objects. If you have such complaints, you should consult a doctor without hesitation or shame. If you feel the need to urinate suddenly and you cannot make it to the toilet, if you feel that you cannot completely empty your urine, you should consult a specialist without wasting time. Your doctor will determine the type of urinary incontinence and find a suitable treatment method. In this way, you will be able to return to your old life and regain your self-confidence. Do not hesitate about this, do not forget that it is a common problem and consult your doctor before it is too late.
Types of urinary incontinence
There are four types, determined by why urine leaks. These are:
Stress type urinary incontinence:
It is the most common type of urinary incontinence experienced by women. Uncontrolled urine leakage occurs with reflexes such as coughing, sneezing and laughing.
There are two reasons why this happens.
The first reason: The pelvic floor muscles are weak and weakened. A strong pelvic floor keeps the urethra closed until the moment to urinate comes. However, if the pelvic floor is weak, the urethra opens when intra-abdominal pressure increases. For this reason, urine leakage occurs. Not having given birth too many times, having a large baby, being overweight, genetics and menopause can cause this problem.
The second reason: The muscles that maintain bladder emptying are inadequate. Thanks to these muscles, the urethra is closed when the bladder is full. When you want to urinate, these muscles relax and allow urine to pass. These muscles are called sphincters. However, if the sphincter is inadequate, urinary incontinence occurs.
Urge type urinary incontinence:
This type of urinary incontinence is characterized by the sudden need to urinate and the subsequent inability to get to the toilet in time. The reason for this is that the bladder muscles are overactive.
Mixed type urinary incontinence:
In cases where stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence occur together, there is a mixed type urinary incontinence problem.
Overflow urinary incontinence:
When more urine accumulates in the bladder than can be carried, urine leakage occurs drop by drop before going to the toilet. In this type of urinary incontinence, the patient feels that he/she cannot completely empty the urine. Diabetes,
pelvic injury,
extensive pelvic surgery,
spinal cord injuries,
In problems such as multiple sclerosis, muscle tone may be lost.
For this reason, overflow type urinary incontinence is seen.
What is the treatment for urinary incontinence?
Each person's urinary incontinence treatment is planned by considering the type of urinary incontinence and the person's history.
What is the bladder?
The bladder is an organ located behind the muscles below the navel. In men, it is located in front of the intestines. In women, it is located under the uterus. Urine from the kidneys is stored in the bladder.
How do we hold urine?
When urine starts to be stored, the bladder expands. The bladder is a very elastic organ. In addition, the muscles that support urine retention and are constantly contracted just below the bladder prevent the urine stored in the bladder from escaping uncontrollably. The urinary tract is anatomically shorter in women. Various hormones secreted in women provide support for the urinary tract.
Causes of urinary incontinence
Bladder inflammation,
Vaginal infections,
Bladder stones and tumors,
Difficult births,
Hormonal changes following menopause,
Ray therapy,
Nervous diseases and especially prostate enlargement in men,
Uncontrolled diabetes,
Surgical interventions,
Various medications used, such as blood pressure reducers, tranquilizers,
Vascular diseases can cause urinary incontinence.
Urinary incontinence reduces the quality of life.
Urinary incontinence problems are more common in women, but they also occur commonly in men. They start to occur more frequently, especially as we age. 50% of women over the age of 40 suffer from this problem. Urinating 10-15 times a day certainly has a negative impact on a woman's quality of life and psychology. As a result of this problem, patients begin to isolate themselves from social life.
Difficult delivery increases the risk of urinary incontinence.
Difficult and traumatic births and problems developing in the vaginal tract are factors in the risk of urinary incontinence. Having multiple births can also lead to urinary incontinence.
Lose weight to prevent urinary incontinence!
Obesity causes urinary incontinence. Due to excessive weight, intra-abdominal pressure increases. For this reason, the urinary tract is negatively affected. In order to develop muscles, it is necessary to exercise regularly. Thanks to the strong muscles, the organs that hold urine also become stronger.
Consuming too much liquids such as water, coffee and tea triggers urinary incontinence.
Suspension method
Urinary incontinence problems can also be treated with surgical methods. One of the surgical methods for the treatment of urinary incontinence, "Sling surgery", is not applied to every patient with urinary incontinence. This surgery should be performed by experienced specialists on patients who are suitable for this surgery.
Urinary incontinence may be a symptom of other diseases.
The root cause of urinary incontinence problems must be found. Sometimes the problem is thought to be just urinary incontinence, but sometimes various diseases can be the underlying cause. Such as diabetes and various nervous system problems. If the blood sugar level is high, the patient will need to urinate frequently. For this reason, the risk of urinary incontinence will also increase.
Especially diabetes, urinary incontinence is one of the problems. If a person has been suffering from diabetes for a long time, and the blood sugar level cannot be controlled, the nerves in many parts of the body can be damaged. In particular, the functions of the nerves in the bladder can be impaired due to diabetes.