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What is Laparoscopy and How is it Performed?

What is laparoscopy?

It is a surgical procedure that is performed by opening certain holes in the patient's belly and projecting images onto an optical device, and carbon dioxide gas is administered to better view the organs in the abdomen, which aids in diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, the number of female infertility cases has increased and diagnosis and treatment can be easily performed with the help of laparoscopy. The reason why it is talked about more among the public is that it is considered a bloodless surgery with a warmer perspective on knifeless surgery. If there is physical and physiological suitability, it is evaluated as the most common surgical method by gynecologists.

It is a procedure that cannot be applied to patients who are extremely thin or overweight, or to individuals with severe lung disease or severe heart disease. In the procedure, carbon dioxide gas is given to the body so that the image can be reflected on the monitor. If there is no anatomical obstacle, the diagnosis or treatment will be successful and the result will be reached in a short time. Here, gynecologists will make the decision according to all these evaluations.

When is laparoscopy performed?

Laparoscopy is not a method applied only by gynecology. However, it is mostly preferred in gynecology problems. In the field of gynecology, it is a method that can reveal successful results in determining the cause of infertility in women, treating the cause of infertility, reaching and treating intrauterine problems, and even in hysterectomy and cancer treatments. It is mostly used in gynecology patients in determining infertility problems. It is a diagnosis and treatment method that is quite competent in issues such asendometriosis , infertility due to ovarian problems, intrauterine adhesions, myomas, ectopic pregnancy .

How is laparoscopy performed?

Operating room conditions will be needed. After the patient is numbed with general anesthesia on the specified day, a sufficient number of small incisions will be made on the umbilical side. Diagnostic laparoscopy generally includes procedures that take less time and can yield results in an average of 20 minutes. In therapeutic laparoscopy, additional apparatus will be used and the procedure will be extended depending on the subject. In the presence of myoma in the woman, the duration may be approximately 45 minutes, while in the case of a situation where the entire uterus must be removed, it may extend up to 2.5 hours.

Laparoscopy may not be limited to just one application. In infertility problems, laparoscopy can sometimes be a method that can be applied several times.

With laparoscopy, a surgical tool will illuminate the inner abdomen with a 3 to 5 mm incision made in the woman's belly, allowing better observation of the uterus and ovaries. It is easier to get an idea of the intra-abdominal organs that will grow up to 10 times. Here, altered structures, myomas, endometriosis, cysts, cancerous structures can be detected, allowing for treatment at the same time as diagnosis. Since the formations will be easier to detect with the image reflected on the camera, a surgical procedure that will tire patients and doctors less will be performed.

For which health problems is laparoscopy preferred?

  • Oncological types of surgical procedures

  • If there is an ectopic pregnancy

  • If the uterus needs to be removed

  • In the presence of endometriosis

  • Diagnosis and treatment of tube problems

  • If it is thought that tube ligation is necessary

  • If there are adhesions in the inner part of the abdomen

  • When formations such as myoma and polyp are detected and removed,

  • It may be considered if there is a pelvic abscess.

To whom is it undesirable to apply?

  • Gas administered to extremely thin patients may have adverse effects and may not be appropriate for very thin patients.

  • Gas can have adverse effects on overweight patients and therefore should not be considered for use on overweight individuals.

  • People with chronic lung disease cannot undergo surgery with laparoscopic technique.

  • It would not be appropriate to perform laparoscopy on patients with a certain group of heart diseases.


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