What is infertility?
Infertility is defined as the inability of couples to have children despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for a year. It is also a series of very complicated problems that include various diseases related to the reproductive system of men and women. According to research, infertility occurs in approximately 17% of newly married couples. However, couples should definitely see a doctor at the end of one year to investigate the causes of their infertility and who caused it. Thanks to the opportunities in the medical world and the developing technology, infertility, which used to be impossible to treat, is not seen as a disease that prevents having children today. Thanks to in vitro fertilization treatment methods, successful results are achieved with appropriate treatment for couples' problems.
What are the types of infertility?
Today, infertility is seen in 30-40% of men and 40-50% of women. Although the source is known in most of these cases, the remaining 10-15% are cases of infertility of unknown cause. This condition is called unexplained infertility. Patients who apply with suspicion of infertility are simultaneously subjected to infertility tests and examined in detail. As a result of the research, the source of infertility, its cause and type are determined and the treatment method is planned.
Primary Infertility: Primary infertility is usually expressed as the situation of newly married couples not having had children before. It is not seen as the result of a physical or biological disease but rather as the result of a psychological disorder. According to research, 30% of newly married couples can have babies in the first 3 months, 70% at the end of the first year, 80% within 2 years and 90% at the end of two years. These rates are considered normal for newly married couples. However, if pregnancy is still not achieved at the end of two years, infertility problem occurs. Therefore, if newly married couples have not been able to have a child within the first two years, they should definitely see a specialist doctor and have the necessary examinations done.
Secondary infertility: Infertility is a case of couples who have had one or two children before, as a result of problems that they acquired later. Secondary infertility is a type of infertility that is acquired later. This situation usually occurs as a result of the reproductive system being negatively affected by the couple's lifestyle.
Secondary infertility can occur due to exposure to radiation and chemicals in work environments, intense stress factors, unhealthy nutrition, physiological problems due to advancing age, inflammatory genital diseases and adverse effects on the reproductive system as a result of intra-abdominal operations.
Permanent Infertility (Sterility): It is a condition in which no problems are found in the woman or man as a result of the examination performed on patients who applied with suspicion of infertility, in other words, the cause of infertility is unknown and unexplained. As the name suggests, it is a type of permanent infertility that cannot be treated.
What are the causes of infertility in women?
It usually occurs due to pelvic disorders that occur as a result of the decrease in egg reserves due to advancing age. In 30% of women, infertility occurs due to quite complicated problems including ovulation disorders, pathological masses of the uterus and congenital anomalies. The most common factors encountered in female infertility are as follows:
Genital infections
Inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs
Sexually transmitted diseases
Hyperprolactinemia (high milk hormone)
Thyroid hormone disorders
Anti sperm antibodies
Previously undergone surgery related to the uterus and ovaries
Congenital absence of fallopian tubes
Decreased egg reserves due to advanced age
Immune system diseases
What are the causes of infertility in men?
In 30% of male infertility, there is a patient group with insufficient sperm count and quality. In addition to sperm capacity, morphological characteristics and healthy sperm cells must be suitable for pregnancy. Infertility is usually seen as a result of diseases that affect sperm production and quality. In addition, sexual dysfunctions such as retrograde ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are also among the causes of infertility. Other factors that cause male infertility can be listed as follows:
Testicular cancer
Sperm ducts are blocked
Sexually transmitted diseases
Smoking and alcohol use
No sperm in the semen (azoospermia)
Genital infection
Some drugs used (antidepressants and phenothiazines, etc.)
Exposure to radiation and chemicals
Testicular trauma
Hormonal Disorder
Being in extremely hot environments such as Turkish baths, spas and saunas negatively affects sperm production and causes infertility.