Are you pregnant?
If you have decided to get pregnant and started trying with your partner, how do you know that you are pregnant? Of course, the biggest symptom will be a delay in your period. But you may experience other symptoms before that. In addition, home pregnancy tests are also quite accurate.
First Symptoms
For some women, some signs of pregnancy begin within a few weeks after intercourse. However, these signs should not be immediately perceived as signs of pregnancy. Some of them may be the beginning of your illness or period at the door. Or they may be the heralds of your little baby coming into the world. Here are some of these symptoms;
– Soft and swollen breasts,
– Fatigue,
– Little bleeding or cramping,
– Nausea with or without vomiting,
– Frequent urination,
– Appetite disruptions,
– Headaches and dizziness,
– Rapid mood swings,
– Increase in body temperature.
Home Pregnancy Tests
If you don't know if you are pregnant or not, here is a quick solution. These tests, which you can get from pharmacies, are easy to apply and their results are almost 100% accurate. These devices look at the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in your urine. They show the result with a color change, plus-minus symbols or a line. Reading the prospectus will help you.
Choosing a Doctor
There should be a doctor who will always be with you on this long journey called pregnancy, who will relax you and make you enjoy this beautiful experience. You should trust the experience and success of the doctor you choose. In addition, your doctor's hospital should give you confidence in every way. You can consult your friends and family when deciding on this important detail with your spouse.
Delayed Pregnancy and Fertility
If you are a little older, it is not too late for anything. Many women today postpone pregnancy to focus on school, career, travel, or even spending quality time with their spouse. If you are in your 30s or even 40s, you can still have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.
The average age for having children was 21 in the 1970s, but today it is around 25. However, these figures may still vary from country to country. Despite this, it is also a fact that women around the world are postponing having children. Although the figures vary from country to country, most women around the world are now postponing having babies. The countries where these women are found are Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands. In fact, the average age in these countries is 29. There is no age for getting pregnant until you are no longer productive. Enjoying this beautiful experience depends entirely on your enthusiasm and determination.