Sexually transmitted diseases are microbial diseases that occur between two people and are transmitted through close sexual contact. While some of these diseases only have symptoms in the genital area, some pose a serious threat to human health and cause symptoms that cover the entire body. Diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis B and AIDS are very risky and their effects cover the entire body.
However, diseases such as AIDS and Hepatitis B can be transmitted from one person to another through blood in addition to sexual transmission. Transmission through blood depends on both people having open wounds and although it is a difficult possibility, care should always be taken.
Sexually transmitted diseases can affect everyone in the environment. For example, if one of the spouses has one of these diseases, the other spouse and the child that may be born may also be at risk of carrying the same disease. In order to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to know what they are and how to protect yourself.
The most common sexually transmitted diseases
Gonorrhea is the most common type of sexually transmitted disease. It causes many negative situations. It can cause inflammation in the abdomen, infertility in both men and women, and abscesses in the reproductive organs. There is also a risk of infection to the baby of a pregnant woman. The disease can reach the baby in the birth canal and cause diseases such as blindness and pneumonia in the newborn baby. The symptoms of the disease start within 2 or 3 weeks. In men, it causes problems such as frequent urination, burning urine and discharge while urinating. In women, it causes menstrual irregularity and discharge. Again, as in men, a burning sensation while urinating and frequent urination are important symptoms of gonorrhea. Couples should see a doctor immediately when faced with such symptoms. It is a disease that is quite easy to treat.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the entire body. Early diagnosis is very important and can be treated. If the mother has syphilis, the baby is also at risk. The disease manifests itself with a swollen and painless wound where the syphilis microbe enters the body. If it progresses, the person with the disease is faced with many risks. The patient's nervous system can be damaged and they can be at risk of conditions such as blindness and deafness. Syphilis can also cause tumors to form in various parts of the body and deaths due to this.
The most harmful aspect of chlamydia is that it causes infertility and abscesses in the reproductive organs in both men and women. Chlamydia manifests itself in women with a yellow foamy discharge. Chlamydia also causes inflammation in the abdomen in women. Therefore, women with chlamydia are also at risk of infertility. Men understand that they are at risk of chlamydia with burning urination and yellow discharge. This situation can also affect the amount and quality of the man's sperm. If not enough sperm is produced, problems such as infertility may occur. People with chlamydia should immediately go to a doctor and receive treatment. It is an easy disease to treat.
Genital herpes
It is a sexually transmitted disease seen in women. It can cause various diseases and infections in the urinary tract, meningitis, cervical cancer and miscarriages. Its biggest symptom is itchy and painful herpes-like pimples in the female reproductive organ. These can also itch and turn into very painful wounds. It can heal on its own after a while, but there is also a risk of recurrence. Women who have genital herpes problems should immediately see a specialist and receive treatment.
Hepatitis B (Jaundice)
Hepatitis B, known among the public as “Jaundice”. It can be transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse, as well as through water and food, and there are types of jaundice. Hepatitis B is a disease transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse. Its symptoms are liver enlargement and sensitivity, darkening of the urine color and a yellower color than normal, severe fever and vomiting. There is no definitive treatment for Hepatitis B, but the damage of the disease can be reduced with body-strengthening treatments.
The HIV virus is a type of virus that is transmitted through blood or sexual contact. The disease caused by HIV is AIDS. AIDS is an incurable disease and kills the body's immune system, making the body more susceptible to other diseases. The HIV virus can be detected with an ELISA test performed 3 months after it enters the body. In some cases, a person carrying the HIV virus may not develop the disease. However, those carrying this virus can transmit the disease to someone else. HIV can also become active 10 years after it enters the body.
Symptoms of the disease include constant fatigue, long-term fevers of unknown cause, weight loss, night sweats, long-term wounds and fungi in the genitals. There is no cure for the HIV virus, but the patient can live longer with drugs that strengthen the body.
How is the HIV virus transmitted?
The most common way HIV is transmitted is through unprotected sexual intercourse between couples. In addition, HIV can be transmitted through hard kissing that causes bleeding in both partners' mouths and lips, open wounds in the mouth, and bleeding gums while brushing teeth.
If you use a glass, fork, spoon or toilet seat that has been used by someone who has HIV, you will not be able to get the virus. Similarly, shaking hands, hugging or kissing someone who has the virus will not spread the HIV virus from person to person. The HIV virus cannot be transmitted to a person through mosquitoes or other insects. It will also not spread to a person through coughing, saliva, tears, sweat, urine or feces.
Ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases
The only way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases is to use a condom during sexual intercourse. Spermicide creams and other similar products provide partial protection and are not recommended by experts. If protection against sexually transmitted diseases is desired, couples must definitely use a condom. Treatment of swelling, wounds and acne in the reproductive organs also significantly reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.