Working While Pregnant
Going to work while pregnant is very difficult if you are dealing with daytime sickness and fatigue. If your workplace allows it, it would be best for you not to complicate your schedule during your 3rd and 4th months.
You will not notice this intensity much since you will feel better in the 2nd trimester. Everything will be much better for you in the 3rd trimester. While some women resort to working to relieve their fatigue, others prefer to deal with it. Here are a few tips for them;
– Prefer meals with high iron and protein content,
– Take short and frequent breaks,
– Reduce your activities,
-Go to routine fitness,
-Go to bed early.
Things to Consider When Traveling
You may think that you have to stay at home during pregnancy, but that is not true. As long as you take basic precautions, there is no harm in traveling during pregnancy. The best time to travel is between weeks 14-28. However, if you have a health problem such as heart disease, you should be at home and somewhere close to home in case of an emergency.
Air Travel
Before you travel, you should consult your doctor and choose the most comfortable route for you. Air travel is generally the safest. There is no harm in flying between weeks 14-28.
Sea Voyages
Traveling on ships is at least as safe as other means. However, before getting on the vehicle, make sure that the ship has a doctor or nurse. Ships accept pregnant women up to 26 weeks. One of the things you should pay attention to is that you should walk on non-slippery surfaces.
Car Trips
The most important thing to pay attention to when traveling by car, whether you are pregnant or not, is to wear your seat belt. If you are going on a long journey by car, take regular breaks so that you can stretch. Your total daily travel hours should not exceed 6, because your body needs walking.
Prohibited Drugs
Illegal drug use can harm your baby. These include marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Your use can seriously affect your baby's development.
NOTE: If you are taking any medications regularly, you should consult your doctor.
If you used birth control pills without knowing you were pregnant, there is nothing to worry about. However, you can undergo various screenings to put your mind at ease.