After birth, women are faced with a 42-day postpartum period. This is the process of returning to their previous state after the changes that occurred in the woman's body during pregnancy . The woman's body begins to repair itself. While the body repairs itself, it tries to return to its previous state. A woman actually experiences a period of weakness during the postpartum period due to the hardships of childbirth and the things she has given to her baby for 9 months after birth. While she deals with the care of her newborn baby on the one hand, she also struggles with herself physically and psychologically on the other. Due to the hormonal changes she has experienced during the difficult birth process, she finds herself in a sensitive period with the effects of fatigue, pain, aches and weakness. For this reason, it is necessary to care for a postpartum woman at least as much as a newborn baby. It is necessary to help postpartum women with baby care. During this process, they should be supported so that they can take better care of their bodies that are recovering. During the 6-week postpartum period, women should be given enough time for themselves.
What complaints may occur in a postpartum woman?
The most common complaint in mothers during this period is cracks in the nipple. Rarely, excessive bleeding may occur at home in postpartum women. If a urinary tract infection occurs, burning and pain occur during urination. Infections called endometritis that occur in the uterus are rarely seen. Infections cause symptoms such as foul-smelling discharge, fever, and weakness. These problems are treated after rest and antibiotic use. It should also be remembered that postpartum women go through a very special process emotionally during this period. It is useful to be understanding towards postpartum women when they show symptoms such as sudden crying fits. Because this period can have a depressive effect. Hormonal changes after birth can cause these effects in the mother. There may be complaints due to the stitches made during birth. These will improve on their own within a maximum of 10 days.
What are the problems seen during the postpartum period?
Inflammation of the veins (Thrombophlebitis): This problem occurs due to clot formation and blockage in the veins. It is most commonly seen with cramps, swelling, tenderness, redness and mild fever in the legs. To prevent this, early action should be taken after birth and heavy work should be avoided for the first 6 months. When there is pain in the legs, they should be elevated with pillows and dressed with warm towels.
Constipation: During this period, constipation may occur in women due to excessive tension in the abdominal and excretory muscles. Therefore, postpartum women should drink plenty of water. Fresh vegetables and fruits, prunes, whole wheat bread, apricots, etc. should be consumed. Movements should not be neglected and the intestines should be made to work. Attention should be paid to having toilet habits at the same time every day. Even while sitting, moving the arms and legs and changing positions is beneficial.
Puerperal fever: This occurs when the birth canal becomes inflamed in puerperal women. Within a day after birth, high fever, headache, pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen, and a foul-smelling discharge occur. These symptoms should be taken seriously and a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Perineal care: The perineal area is the area between the anus and the vaginal entrance. Care of this area should be taken during and after birth. In this way, the episiotomy area performed during birth heals more easily and the infection heals. The perineal area should be cared for for 1-3 weeks during the postpartum period. Because unnoticed tears may occur in the area during birth during the passage of the baby. Infection of these should be prevented. When there is bleeding in these areas, blood may accumulate outside or inside the tissue. Ice application or a sitz bath can be used to reduce the effect of pain and bleeding in the area. Painkillers can be used for pain. If the postpartum woman has constipation problems, medications recommended by the doctor should be used. The perineal area should be kept dry. If a pad is used, care should be taken to change it frequently. The area should be cleaned with clean water or antiseptic solutions after using the toilet. If the amount of bleeding in the area increases, its color changes and pain occurs in the abdominal area, the doctor should be informed immediately.
What should be taken into consideration during the postpartum period?
After birth, there will be bleeding with clots for 3-4 days. The amount of bleeding will decrease over time and its color will lighten. Afterwards, the bleeding will turn into a yellow-white discharge. This discharge continues until the postpartum period ends.
Uterine massage: When you press on the abdomen with your hand, the uterus can be easily felt. The uterus, which is at the level of the navel during birth, starts to shrink by 1-2 cm every day. It shrinks to a size that cannot be felt by hand in about 2 weeks. You can make the uterus shrink more quickly by rubbing the top of the uterus for 20-30 seconds 8-10 times a day in the first days after birth. In this way, your bleeding will be less and the risk of developing an infection will be reduced. Even if you feel a little pain while massaging, your uterus will start to harden with the massage.
Pain: Pain may develop from time to time during the postpartum period. Unless they are severe, they can be relieved with painkillers. It is normal to have pain due to the episiotomy performed during birth. The incision made here is on the right side unless your doctor is left-handed. Therefore, if you act accordingly while sitting and lying down, it will heal more easily.
Fever and sweating: After birth, a woman may have a slight fever. Due to frequent urination and sweating, the excess water accumulated in the body is expelled. If the fever exceeds 38 degrees, attention should be paid to the breasts. If milk accumulates, this causes a fever. If you remain in this situation, use a breast pump, or a tirle, to express the milk until your breasts become soft. In the meantime, apply massage. If the fever does not subside in an hour, there may be a more serious problem. In this case, you should contact your doctor.
Care of wounded areas: Women who have given birth naturally should pay attention to the dryness and cleanliness of the area during the healing process of the stitches. You should keep the liquid you are given to apply to the area closed. The area should be cleaned after each toilet. Create a dry environment by changing daily pads frequently. Continue this practice for 10 days. In those who have given birth by cesarean, clean the wounded areas continuously. Continue this for about a week.
Nutrition: Women in the postpartum period should pay attention to their nutrition , just like during pregnancy. You should avoid gas-producing foods and try to drink plenty of fluids. Since you will have postpartum bleeding, you should make up for this deficiency. In order to increase the quality of milk during breastfeeding, you should take vitamin and iron supplements. You should continue these for 3 months.
Movement: Postpartum women do not need to rest or be bedridden after birth. Because lying down for a long time carries the risk of clotting in the veins. Therefore, you should get out of bed as soon as possible. You can start light exercises one week after birth. Do not neglect Kegel exercises in particular. Apart from this, you can do movements that will work your abdomen, back and hip area. Those who give birth by cesarean section should avoid movements that will strain their stitches for 6 months and should not lift heavy objects. In the early days, the stitches should be supported by hand when standing up and coughing.
Bath: Those who have given birth naturally can take a bath immediately, while those who have given birth by cesarean section can take a bath within 3-7 days. The bath should be done while standing. The vaginal area should not be washed during this time.
Sexual intercourse: During the postpartum period, psychologically, sexual desire does not occur for a certain period. In any case, this process should be seen as a recovery period. Sexual intercourse should be avoided until the end of the postpartum period.