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Smoking and its Harms in IVF Treatment

IVF and smoking

For a mother trying to get pregnant, smoking is not good for the IVF treatment or the baby's development if pregnancy occurs. Smoking is a factor that makes pregnancy difficult. If the mother is very addicted to cigarettes, she may be allowed to smoke up to five cigarettes a day, but this is a dangerous number.

The negative effects of smoking have been proven. The negative effects on pregnancy are already known. There are almost four thousand substances in cigarettes that can negatively affect the health of people. The addictive effect is due to the nicotine in it. Nicotine reduces the amount of blood flowing to the baby. For this reason, it can cause premature birth and miscarriage. It can also cause the placenta to separate before the baby is born and increase blood pressure during pregnancy. These factors can negatively affect the health of both the fetus and the mother. Respiratory problems in the mother, and risks caused by anesthesia if the birth is to be done by cesarean section, occur more commonly in smokers.

It is a fact proven by experts that smoking also negatively affects reproductive health, even though many of the causes of early menopause are unknown today, smoking is the first thing that comes to mind among the known causes. Smoking negatively affects ovarian potential. For this reason, the possibility of getting pregnant decreases. Again, due to its effect on the veins, the inner layer of the uterus where the pregnancy will settle can be damaged by smoking. It is recommended that a mother-to-be who is trying to get pregnant stays away from smoking and alcohol, and does not consume too much coffee and cola. Since coffee and caffeinated beverages contain caffeine, it is not appropriate to exceed the limit of two cups per day.

In order to increase the success rate in IVF treatment, these recommendations should be made to prospective mothers and fathers. Many vitamins and supplements are used to increase the success rate in IVF treatment. The benefits of these vitamins are open to debate, but it has been proven that smoking negatively affects the treatment period. In prospective mothers and fathers undergoing IVF orinfertility treatment, it is extremely important for both women and men to stay away from smoking. Sperm quality in men, egg quality in women and intrauterine smoking are negatively affected. For this reason, smoking in both men and women reduces the chances of success in IVF treatment. Before IVF treatment, which is a very difficult and economically burdensome period, prospective mothers and fathers should quit smoking and treatment should be started after this.

There are no negative effects of cosmetics and hair dyes during pregnancy, including the first three months. Caffeinated beverages such as tea do not cause any harm as long as they are not consumed in excess. Many herbal teas are also safe to consume during pregnancy. However, sage, basil, raspberry, and flaxseed teas can increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth if consumed in excess. However, there is no need for a pregnant mother to worry about drinking a single sage tea. Such beverages can only be harmful if consumed in excess. Red herbal teas do not cause any harm.

It is also recommended not to consume too much green tea during pregnancy. Alcohol and any other substance that can cause addiction should not be consumed during pregnancy and conception. These types of substances negatively affect the health of the mother-to-be. They can lead to premature birth, developmental delays and the baby's death in the womb. The risk of hypertension and preeclampsia increases during pregnancy. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have serious effects on baby development. As a result of alcohol consumption, serious developmental delays, facial abnormalities and mental retardation can occur in the baby. This condition is specifically called ''fetal alcohol syndrome''. It is not known exactly how much alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes damage to the baby. For this reason, alcohol consumption is not recommended during pregnancy. Consumption of narcotic substances during pregnancy causes retardation in the baby's development. It has been proven that addictions can cause baby death in the womb and withdrawal crises in the newborn baby.

There are many different types of poisons in cigarettes.

Cigarettes are poisonous enough to significantly affect the health of even a healthy person. In addition, this substance that causes addiction causes significant damage to an adult with all limbs and organs, while it acts like a death machine for a baby that is just starting to develop and is still wanted to develop. It contains many scientifically proven poisonous substances. It contains the maximum amount of unhealthy objects it contains, from rat poison to insecticide poisons, and the most harmful gases to human health.

Smoking habit has a very negative effect on the success of expectant mothers and fathers who want to have a baby and apply IVF treatment. These effects are listed below:

Smoking always affects IVF treatment negatively

IVF treatment is also mostly applied in cases where infertility is seen due to a reason. There may be infertility due to the father or mother candidate, in addition, sometimes women who cannot get pregnant due to reasons such as advanced age or anatomical features want to realize their desire to have a baby by applying for IVF treatment. The period entered for IVF treatment is quite sensitive. During the period when everything the mother candidate eats affects the baby's development or the treatment, it should be left to the family to think about how the mother candidate's smoking will affect the treatment.

Smoking reduces reproductive functions.

Even under normal conditions, smoking negatively affects the release of the estrogen hormone. During the IVF treatment period, it will cause the treatment to turn into a negative state, even though it will respond positively. The negative effects caused by smoking not only on the hormones but also on the ovaries can prevent the baby from forming. Even in mothers-to-be who do not smoke, if they are over the age of 35, the probability of getting pregnant through IVF is around 20-30%, while this rate can be halved with smoking and can cause complete failure in the treatment. Smoking seriously weakens the ovaries and reproductive functions. It also causes menopause to occur early. For this reason, it is seen that mothers-to-be who smoke heavily enter menopause earlier.

Smoking causes serious problems during pregnancy.

In addition to all these, the chemicals in cigarettes can cause abnormalities in chromosomes and pregnancies. No matter how young the mother is, if she smokes too much, genetically transmitted abnormalities in the ovaries and unhealthy baby formations, miscarriage and stillbirth rates will increase. This means that as long as smoking continues, even if pregnancy is achieved through IVF, there is a risk of miscarriage or the possibility of giving birth to an abnormal baby. For this reason, a mother who smokes will either quit smoking or take these risks for her baby. IVF treatment is a treatment applied to individuals who really want to have a baby but cannot do it. If quitting smoking is not an option, it would be better not to start IVF treatment at all.

Smoking reduces sperm count

Smoking is a factor that negatively affects the reproductive system of prospective fathers as well as prospective mothers. The number of sperm decreases according to the frequency of smoking, sperm mobility decreases and abnormalities in their shape and function may occur, and mutations may occur. This situation, of course, also negatively affects the formation of in vitro fertilization. For this reason, neither the mother nor the father should smoke in any way during such a period. It is not right for one of the candidates to smoke and put the other in the position of being a passive smoker.


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