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Psychological Preparation for the IVF Process

Experiencing the joy of being a mother and father is a feeling that everyone wants to experience at some point in their lives. We want to have children to strengthen the bond of marriage and to truly become a family. A person cannot help but desire to create a part of themselves. The only way to make themselves infinite is to have a child. This may be a very natural and spontaneous situation for some, but for some of us, it is necessary to strive for this path. The greatest support today on this path, which is embarked on with great effort, is in vitro fertilization.

In vitro fertilization is, in short, the bringing together of reproductive cells taken from the mother and father in a laboratory environment, that is, fertilization by external factors. In vitro fertilization treatment is the most commonly used and well-known method for people who cannot become mothers and fathers naturally, but in order to get the desired results, it is necessary to pay attention to some important details. One of these is to choose the right doctor and the other is to prepare yourself psychologically and physically for the treatment. The probability of IVF treatment being successful on the first try is low, so you should keep your expectations low at first. Instead of giving up after the first unsuccessful attempt, prefer to rest for a while for the next try.

Age factor in in vitro fertilization treatment

The most important factor affecting success in IVF treatment is age. Time works against you as egg productivity decreases as you get older. Therefore, giving in to despair and ending the treatment and deciding to try again years later may lead you to a disappointing result again. If success is still not achieved after 3 attempts, this is called repeated unsuccessful IVF, but IVF attempts can be repeated up to 10 times depending on the financial and spiritual situation. This is completely up to the couple's preference. Couples who fail in the first attempt start to react negatively to everything that happens around them due to the negative attitude they have fallen into from that moment on. They go through a questioning process and blame themselves for this. Guilt psychology and the idea of being worthless not only affect the person psychologically, but they also roll up their sleeves for many diseases caused by stress. This process starts with preparing yourself for treatment psychologically, first of all.

Psychological preparation process

IVF treatment and psychological preparation process should not be considered separately. This treatment is the biggest test on the married life of couples. Every couple needs to prepare for this psychologically before and after the treatment. From the first moment the decision to start IVF treatment is made, couples enter a psychological warfare process. Either spouse may have decided on IVF treatment, but the spouse's approach to the treatment is more important than anything else. The problem usually arises from the party that needs to receive treatment feeling under psychological pressure, blaming themselves and feeling excessive social pressure. A person who feels under excessive pressure and whose behavior reflects this attitude may exhibit actions and attitudes that will put their relationship at risk. For this reason, a good psychological supporter, namely an expert psychologist, should be consulted at the very decision-making stage of the treatment. After the first decision-making stage is passed, the treatment process will continue to challenge the couple financially and spiritually. First of all, couples need to make peace with the success rates in this treatment. In other words, it should be known that 100% success should not be expected because although there are many factors that affect success in IVF treatment, the rate is around 40%. For couples who do not accept this situation from the beginning, in vitro fertilization treatment is actually a losing battle from the very beginning.

The situation we want to state does not include an inference such as never be hopeless, you should only prepare yourself for all the positive and negative conditions of the treatment. You do not need to make any effort to get used to positive results, but you should be prepared for negative results.

IVF Success and Stress

Our body is governed by our hormones, in other words, hormones are the bosses of our body. As such, hormones secreted under stress invite thousands of diseases.

IVF treatment is a stressful path. Couples who start treatment are under intense stress while waiting for the result, and this is a situation that can disrupt the body's balance. In fact, stress is among the factors that affect ovulation and egg fertilization, and even embryo quality . Stress , based on scientific research, includes proven IVF success. Even if we cannot prevent stress, we should set ourselves the goal of managing it and getting rid of it with the least damage. The doctor and IVF center you choose are the most important factors that can put you in a positive or negative psychological state during the treatment process. The conditions in the IVF center and the doctor-patient relationship are extremely important. It is not possible for you to feel psychologically good in a place where you do not feel comfortable.

The beginning of everything is the right doctor and the right IVF center. The results of this treatment will affect you both financially and spiritually, so do not give up on the treatment in the first negative experience you receive. Another thing you should not forget is that IVF treatment cannot create miracles. Infertility treatment usually causes women to feel like they have lost control of their lives. This situation sometimes reaches such a point that depression becomes inevitable. Patients who experience depression cannot respond to treatment very healthily because their hormones are in a state of turmoil. The hopelessness they experience causes them to feel lost.

Infertility treatment is complex. In this case, the doctor has a lot of responsibility. The most appropriate treatment program and the most appropriate treatment method should be selected for the patient. It should be known that stress is already a cause of infertility in itself.

Ways to Cope with Stress

Thinking and feeling negatively is the easiest way out, but couples who really want to have a baby should put negative thoughts aside, focus on the goal, and think positively.

First of all, the communication between spouses should be much better and more harmonious than ever. You can get professional support as a couple or individually. You can learn to manage stress by using yoga or meditation methods and turn this to your advantage. With yoga, it is possible to banish thoughts that make you anxious and reduce your quality of life from your mind. Being calm and peaceful is the most important thing you can do during the treatment process. You should get rid of all kinds of substances that are addictive and can cause excessive stress when not used, such as alcohol, stimulants, and cigarettes, before the treatment. This will have a positive effect on your pregnancy and your baby.

Make sure that there are no issues that are on your mind about IVF treatment before you start. Know well the pros and cons of the treatment, what it will bring to you and of course what it will take away from you. Regular walks, physical activities and your social circle are the most effective ways to reduce stress. We recommend that you take on new hobbies and do things that you enjoy during your treatment. Nowadays, acupuncture has also become one of the important ways to reduce stress. Reading books clears the mind of many unnecessary thoughts. Personal development books in particular will support and help you in this process. Sleep patterns are vital for regular hormones and to renew your body physically. You should get enough sleep during this process. You should pay attention to your diet and choose a program where you drink plenty of fluids. Remember that you are the head of everything. If you are not healthy and happy, you cannot be of any benefit to either your partner or your baby.

Any health problem you may experience can easily prevent you from a successful IVF treatment, so you should be your own best friend and save yourself from falling into pessimism. No professional psychological help will make you feel good unless you want to help yourself. The support of spouses during treatment is a topic in itself. Each spouse should be understanding and compassionate towards the other. This is a treatment process that you will overcome as long as you join hands. Regardless of the outcome, this is a burden that two people must undertake. Even if couples who wear each other out during the treatment phase receive positive responses to treatment, the broken mutual trust and respect will not be repaired when the baby is born. On the contrary, the stress of having a baby is not limited to the treatment phase. The phase after the baby is born can cause greater stress. This treatment process may be a teacher of your unborn baby and the stressful moments you will experience while raising him/her.

In short, do not let stress control your hormones and be selective when choosing a doctor. Get enough information and equipment about all the positive and negative events that will happen to you before treatment. Definitely try to get psychological support and do activities that make you feel good. Sports, yoga, books and music are some of the activities that will make you feel good during this process. Do not hesitate to try these for your own mental health.


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