In IVF treatments, not all patients respond to the treatment in the same way. The treatment applied may be terminated due to problems that occur during IVF treatment. In addition, the failure of follicles to form is also a reason for the termination of treatment. Excessive amounts of medication given to the eggs are also a condition that cancels the treatment. After the treatment is terminated, couples are re-evaluated and the treatment can be restarted. The same problems may not occur again in new treatments. For couples who have undergone treatment, the failure to obtain a child, which is considered to be an element that completes the family, due to problems in IVF treatment, and the failure of the treatment is a factor that destroys families spiritually.
What are the problems that may occur during IVF treatment?
The mother has no eggs: This problem can usually be experienced when the mother is older. The reason for this is that due to the low egg capacity, even if the follicles are mature enough, eggs cannot be obtained during the egg collection phase. In this case, the IVF treatment is terminated.
Lack of fertilization: One of the possible problems is the failure to obtain an embryo despite the use of healthy eggs and sperm. Sperms obtained from semen have a 75% chance of fertilizing eggs. Sperms obtained using the TESE method can fertilize eggs at a rate of 55%. If this is not achieved, the embryo transfer process is terminated.
Problems experienced during transfer: This problem is that some patients cannot undergo embryo transfer due to abnormalities in their uterine structure. If this problem occurs, the pregnancy rate decreases significantly.
No sperm: When the TESE method is used, sperm may not be found in every man. If sperm cannot be obtained, IVF treatment is terminated.
Bleeding before the pregnancy test: Bleeding before the test means that there is no pregnancy, and therefore the IVF treatment is cancelled.
Overstimulation of the eggs: This problem is frequently experienced during IVF treatment. This problem is usually caused by polycystic ovaries. It occurs in patients. As a result of excessive stimulation of the eggs, the medication used should be reduced. In addition, the use of medication should be stopped for a while. In case of excessive stimulation of the eggs, clotting problems, difficulty in breathing, pain and bloating in the abdomen, excessive growth in the ovaries, decreased urine output, fluid accumulation in the chest cavity and abdomen are observed.
If IVF treatment is terminated due to problems
It is known that when couples start IVF treatment to have a baby, but experience unsuccessful IVF attempts due to various factors, this is extremely upsetting for the couple. This treatment is a situation that challenges couples both spiritually and financially. However, after this failure, couples should not despair. If the first application is unsuccessful, it should not be thought that the subsequent attempts will fail again. Because the first four attempts have an equal chance of success. First of all, couples should accept that their chance of success is 60% when they start IVF treatment. When this is viewed from this perspective, failures experienced after the treatment to be applied can be met with a correct perspective.
Communication with the doctor in IVF treatment
IVF is the process of fertilizing the reproductive cells of both couples under external conditions. The reproductive cells taken from the male and female are kept for 48 hours, and the fertilized eggs are placed in the female uterus. IVF is applied to women who cannot get pregnant with classical methods for a long time. Success rates with IVF have increased to 70-80% today. However, when IVF treatment is started, communication with the doctor should never be interrupted.
Women make great efforts to have children. IVF is a 3-4 week treatment process. And the doctor who performs the treatment must apply this method very carefully. In this treatment application, the information given by the doctor must be followed. Following all the instructions given by the doctor turns IVF treatment into a 70-80% positive one.
The importance of doctor-patient communication
Communication with the doctor is of great importance during the IVF period. If medication is required for illnesses such as flu and headache, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. During the IVF treatment process, the expectant mother should definitely not smoke or drink alcohol. In addition, alcohol and cigarettes should not be consumed during the pregnancy, and if there is a serious addiction, it is definitely necessary to consult a doctor. If any medication is to be used, the doctor should determine the dose, and expectant mothers should not use medication according to their own wishes. If the expectant mother has an injection or medication to be applied at home, it should definitely be applied on time and the doctor's instructions should be followed. In addition, the importance of communication with the doctor during the IVF period is not only until the pregnancy process, but also after pregnancy, communication with the doctor should definitely be provided.
The doctor's instructions are very important during pregnancy. The information given should be memorized completely, and great care should be taken during pregnancy. Diet and exercise should not be done without consulting a doctor. Even very light bleeding should definitely be communicated with the doctor at unexpected times during pregnancy. It is necessary not to lose communication with the doctor during in vitro fertilization. During pregnancy, more attention should be paid to hygiene compared to normal pregnancies. Headaches and high fevers can cause many problems during pregnancy. For this reason, a doctor should definitely be consulted. Doctor's examinations should be attended on time, and the requested tests should be done on time. Diets to be done during pregnancy should definitely not be started without getting approval from the doctor.