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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease that causes serious health problems in women. In particular, it causes menstrual irregularity, cardiovascular diseases, hormone levels and negativities in the reproductive system. In general, it occurs with symptoms related to increased androgens and menstrual disorders. During the examination, the presence of many small eggs can be detected with the help of ultrasonography. This pearl-like ovary filled with eggs has been specifically named “polycystic ovary”. Polycystic ovary syndrome is detected in 10 out of 100 women in their fertile period. It is one of the most important problems that leads to infertility.

If women who want to have children have polycystic ovary syndrome, this problem must be resolved before pregnancy . If the woman still cannot conceive on her own after the problem is resolved, she should seek assisted reproductive treatments ( such as in vitro fertilization) . Women who are treated for polycystic ovary syndrome can have children with in vitro fertilization treatment .

Causes of polycystic ovaries

It is not known exactly why polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. However, it is thought that genetic and metabolic problems play an important role in the emergence of the disease. If the patients have a mother or sister with polycystic ovary syndrome, the cause of the disease may be genetic. An irregularity in the insulin hormone also causes polycystic ovary syndrome. High levels of insulin due to insulin hormone resistance in the body causes weight gain, acne, hair growth and ovarian problems in polycystic ovary syndrome patients.

Main symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome

  • No menstruation or irregular menstruation

  • Infertility due to ovulation dysfunction

  • Body hair growth

  • Cysts that form in the ovaries

  • Oily skin and acne

  • Dandruff

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Stomach ache

  • Male pattern baldness

  • Hypertension and high cholesterol

  • Snoring and shortness of breath while sleeping

In women who menstruate regularly, approximately 15 eggs begin to develop each month, and one of them fully matures. The matured egg travels from the ovaries to the tubes, combines with sperm, and fertilization occurs. However, in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, problems occur in the development of the eggs, and the eggs cannot complete their development process healthily. Eggs that cannot fully develop lead to the formation of ovarian cysts, and ovulation cannot occur. In this case, pregnancy becomes impossible.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

Hormonal tests are performed along with the patient's complaints and examination. In addition, the presence of cysts is detected with the help of ultrasonography.

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome

The treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome is aimed at both reducing the patient's complaints and preventing it from causing other diseases.

Infertility treatment: The ovaries are stimulated with ovulation-stimulating hormone drugs and in very serious problems , in vitro fertilization treatment is applied.

Surgical treatment: With laparoscopic surgery, holes are opened with the help of a special needle that gives electric current to the ovaries, facilitating ovulation. This procedure is called "Laparoscopic Drilling".

Excessive hair growth: Hair growth can be prevented with medication.

Birth control pills : They are used to regulate menstrual periods in people who do not want to get pregnant.


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