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Methods That Are Good For Menstrual Pain

There are other measures that women who complain of pain during their periods can take in addition to drug treatment in order to minimize these problems. However, menstrual pain that does not go away despite painkillers and these precautions should definitely be investigated by a doctor and the cause of this pain should be found and the treatment should be directed according to this reason.

1) What is good for menstrual pain?

If you have been experiencing constant menstrual pain since the first day you started your period, you can try the methods we will offer you to reduce these pains to a minimum. These methods are;

  • Heat a towel and place it on your lower abdomen. With the heat, contractions and pains will gradually decrease. Likewise, be careful to keep this area as warm as possible during your menstrual periods.

  • It is known that hot drinks, especially herbal teas, are good for menstrual pain.

  • During the premenstrual period and during menstrual period, stay away from jobs that require heavy physical strength. Be careful not to tire your body too much and not to do mouth exercises.

  • When the pain gets worse, a warm shower or a hot water bottle will be beneficial.

  • When you sit on the chair, try to stretch your feet with a pillow under them. This will also help reduce pain due to blood pressure.

  • Keeping your meals light and eating small amounts frequently during the day will help reduce pain as it will not create pressure on the abdominal area.

  • Massage the lower abdomen with circular movements using your palms and fingertips.

  • Taking a light walk can relieve the pain. It is also stated that regular exercise and losing excess weight reduce menstrual pain.

  • Minerals such as vitamin E, thiamine, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and calcium help reduce pain by minimizing contractions. You can use supplements containing these vitamins and minerals during your menstrual period.

2) How to relieve menstrual pain? Is it possible to get rid of menstrual pain?

It is very difficult to relieve almost all of the pain experienced during menstruation without medication support. However, these pains can be reduced to the minimum level possible with some methods. First of all, walking and doing sports at certain periods will help reduce your pain. However, these walks should be done not only during menstrual periods but also generally throughout the month.

Apart from these, keeping your feet warm and your body warm are also among the most important factors. When you have menstrual pain, you can put hot water in a hot water bag that you have at home and place it under your feet and on your abdomen. Various plants are also known to be good for menstrual pain.

3) What is good for relieving severe menstrual pain?

  • Applying a hot towel or thermometer to the groin area and waist area can relieve pain.

  • Massaging the groin and waist area may be beneficial.

  • Hot bath is good for pain felt

  • Regular exercise and sports can help relieve pain.

  • It may be beneficial to take care of regular sleep.

  • Staying away from cigarettes, fatty foods and excessive coffee consumption as much as possible can be good for pain.


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