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Light Menstrual Bleeding

In medical literature, the term "hypomenorrhea" refers to the scanty menstrual flow or the scanty menstrual flow that occurs during the menstrual cycle. There may be many reasons for scanty menstrual flow. Depending on the age of the woman, the amount of menstrual flow may decrease. Another factor that reduces the amount of menstrual flow is the use of birth control pills.

What are the reasons for low menstrual periods?

The reason for low menstrual bleeding is usually related to hormones. The amount of menstrual bleeding may decrease due to hormonal disorders or changing hormones in the female body. Stress, especially due to environmental factors, also affects menstrual bleeding. The woman's reaction to an event (excessive stress, trauma, shock) can affect her hormones. Changing hormones can also cause a decrease in the amount of bleeding in menstrual cycles.

Another reason for low menstrual bleeding is the woman's age group. Especially women over the age of 40 are at risk of menopause. The estrogen hormone is gradually withdrawn from the woman's body and her fertility decreases. Due to all these factors, namely the decrease in female hormones, there may be a decrease in the amount of menstrual bleeding.

Infectious adhesions that occur in the uterus can also cause a decrease in bleeding during menstruation . Depending on the degree of adhesion, the amount of menstruation will also vary. If the adhesions in the uterus are very advanced, there may be no menstrual bleeding at all.

If menstrual bleeding decreases in women who have an active sexual life, pregnancy suspicion should definitely come to mind. A woman can easily understand whether she is pregnant with a pregnancy test that can be purchased from a pharmacy.

What should be done after scanty menstrual bleeding?

Especially in women between the ages of 20 and 35, it is essential to see a specialist physician for menstrual bleeding that is light and lasts less than 2 days. The high rate of cause of light menstrual bleeding is hormonal disorders. However, in order to understand this, it is necessary to check whether the female hormone is secreted sufficiently. A clinical environment is essential for this determination and these are tests that should only be performed under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor will determine the treatment according to the factor that causes the woman's period to be light.

What should be the amount of normal menstrual bleeding?

It is a bit difficult to determine the amount of normal menstrual bleeding and decide whether it is normal or not. This is related to the fact that the frequency of changing pads is different for each woman. However, it is considered normal for a woman to change 2 pads per day under normal conditions. Some women are extremely sensitive and meticulous, so they can change their pads even if they see a very slight blood clot. On average, changing 1 or 2 pads per day indicates the amount of normal menstrual bleeding. Another factor to remember is that menstrual bleeding should continue for at least two days.


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