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IVF Prices - 2016

IVF prices in 2016 have not experienced a significant price increase compared to last year. Of course, the increase in technological possibilities and economic factors have caused a relative increase in prices. However, what should be considered at this point is the techniques applied, success rates and the couple's infertility problems rather than the center's price. Infertility treatment methods are procedures applied differently for each couple. For example; IVF treatment is the process of fertilizing the reproductive cells of the woman and the man in a laboratory environment and then transferring them to the uterus of the mother candidate. However, at this point, depending on the couple's infertility status, fertilization can be done with the classic IVF or microinjection method. The Micro TESE method can be applied to obtain sperm from the male candidate or the medications used may increase due to the woman's age. Such factors require different methods to be applied to each couple in IVF treatment. In this case, prices may increase.

Turkey is among the top countries in the world in terms of IVF treatment success. Despite this, prices are quite affordable compared to America and European countries. In some countries, treatment costs can even reach 10 thousand dollars. In our country, treatment costs can vary from clinic to clinic.

The reasons why IVF prices differ from center to center are:

  • The service offered,

  • The technological infrastructure of the center,

  • The methods applied are,

  • The success of the doctor,

  • The center's take-home live babies rate,

  • Hygiene conditions,

  • Factors such as the province and city where it is located.

15 out of every 100 couples need in vitro fertilization treatment methods to have children. For this reason, prices concern many couples. At this stage, if the couple meets the necessary conditions, a large portion of the treatment costs can be covered by the Social Security Institution.

Under what conditions does SGK cover treatment expenses:

A large portion of IVF costs are covered by SGK.

  • Obtaining a medical report from the medical board stating that it is not possible to have a child naturally after medical treatments and that pregnancy can only be achieved through assisted reproductive treatment methods,

  • The mother candidate must be over 23 years old,

  • The mother candidate must not be older than 40 years of age,

  • The center where the treatment is given must have a contract with the Health Institution,

  • Having been a general health insurance holder or dependent for at least 5 years and having 900 days of general health insurance premium days,

  • The conditions required are that no results have been obtained from other treatment methods in the past 3 years and that this has been documented by the health boards of the health service providers contracted with the institution.

How much of the IVF fee does the government pay?

The majority of treatment costs are covered by the state. Thanks to this, many couples with financial difficulties have been able to have children.


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