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Does IVF Procedures Hurt?

In Vitro Fertilization in Brief

IVF treatment is a treatment method used in cases of infertility treatments that cannot conceive naturally, with or without a reason. This treatment consists of different steps. The stages of IVF treatment are completed without affecting the person too much.

What is done during the stimulation phase of the eggs?

After the necessary tests are performed on the couple, the egg stimulation phase begins. During this phase, a large number of eggs are matured and multiplied with the help of various hormone medications. The medications given to the expectant mother at this stage do not have any side effects later on. However, due to excessive stimulation of the eggs, it causes fluid accumulation in the body, which causes weight gain. If the fluid accumulation is excessive, some fluid can be taken from the expectant mother's belly. For this reason, even after the embryo transfer, the expectant mother must be under constant medical supervision.

When is egg collection performed?

During the treatment, after the stimulation of the eggs, the egg collection process is performed by vaginal ultrasonography. This process is performed under local anesthesia. Using special tools and needles, the eggs are taken into sterile tubes and stored in a laboratory environment. When this process is performed by experts, it does not cause any side effects. There may only be a little pain after the procedure. Mild pain is relieved by using painkillers recommended by the doctor.

Is anesthesia necessary during IVF treatment?

During the in vitro fertilization treatment, patients are given general or local anesthesia during the egg collection phase. If this is not done, it can be said that the procedure will hurt. When in vitro fertilization was first started, the egg collection procedure performed without anesthesia was very painful for the mother-to-be. Since women avoided the procedure for this reason, today the egg collection procedure is performed with anesthesia. Local anesthesia is preferred more than general anesthesia during the procedure.

What are the stages of collecting eggs?

In IVF treatment, the eggs collected are combined with the sperm taken from the man in a laboratory environment to create embryos. The embryos, which are ready to be placed in the uterus of the expectant mother within 5-7 days after the eggs are collected, are placed in the uterus using special tubes. The procedure does not harm the expectant mother and does not cause any pain. After this stage, hormone medications are continued to be used. These medications do not have any side effects. They can only cause fluid retention in the body.

Is IVF treatment painful?

This treatment method is painless and does not cause side effects. However, it can be a bit tiring for couples seeking psychological support. During the stages, both men and women need psychological support. During this long-term treatment, the material and moral support that the mother and father candidate will receive from their environment is also very important. No matter what environment the couples are in during the treatment process, the troubles and pains they have experienced will be forgotten when they have the baby they desire at the end of the treatment.


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