Cosmetic concerns are so exaggerated by some women that they may even be the reason for delaying pregnancy. Natural weight gain and the fear that it will be permanent make the pregnant woman anxious after the first trimester. Some skin changes may occur during pregnancy. The pregnancy mask on the face, rashes on the hands, a black-brown line extending from the middle of the abdomen and even down from the navel, and stretch marks on the abdomen and hips are frequently observed skin changes. Among these, the most demoralizing for the pregnant woman are the stretch marks called “striagravidarum”. These marks, which are usually pink in color, fade after pregnancy and take on a silver-pearl color.
Stretch marks are racial and genetic . While the black race is very lucky, Asian races are the race that has more stretch marks. The probability of stretch marks occurring in pregnant women whose mothers and sisters have stretch marks is high. It can be seen in the vast majority of women in the white race. However, it is not always possible to predict who will develop stretch marks at the beginning of pregnancy or before. It is obvious that stretch marks will increase in pregnant women who have stretch marks in their previous pregnancies. The main reason for stretch marks is the decomposition of collagen in the skin structure. A decrease in the amount of fluid intake is effective in the formation of stretch marks. Sudden weight gain can make stretch marks more visible.
Although many products are recommended for treatment and prevention, none of them have been shown to be medically beneficial. However, there is no harm in using them. Their common feature is that they moisturize the skin and reduce the feeling of tension. Itching is due to dryness and these products reduce itching. Instead of expensive products, almond oil and baby creams can be used. It has been experienced that they are equally relaxing. Balanced nutrition and preventing sudden weight gain should be the main protection method. Plenty of fluid intake prevents crack formation by keeping the skin moist. Therefore, balanced nutrition and balanced fluid consumption during pregnancy will provide cosmetic benefits in addition to the positive effects on the baby's development.