The most common illnesses that expectant mothers encounter during pregnancy are usually blood-related. However, women who are under the supervision of a doctor from the beginning of pregnancy can have these illnesses resolved with simple treatments before they progress. However, blood diseases that are not treated and treated in a timely manner can lead to premature birth and miscarriage. The most common blood diseases during pregnancy are anemia, iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, hemolytic anemia due to drugs, anemia due to chronic diseases, and thrombocytopenias that are hereditary or occur during pregnancy. In addition, blood clotting disorders are also seen as an expression of increased hormone levels.
What are the symptoms of anemia in pregnancy?
The rate of anemia during pregnancy is very high. However, many women do not even realize that they are anemic unless they experience severe complaints. In women who have regular pregnancy check-ups, anemia is detected very early and treatment can be applied. If the expectant mother does not go to the doctor regularly, the body may develop a certain habit and tolerance against the slowly progressing anemia. In this context, expectant mothers who experience discomfort such as weakness, fatigue, tiredness, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and difficulty even in simple daily activities should definitely see a doctor. In addition, fainting, severe headache, a pale appearance, jaundice and abdominal pain are also signs of anemia seen during pregnancy. However, some of these symptoms may not be considered important since they can be seen in every pregnancy in the first 3 months of pregnancy and anemia may progress in this way. For this reason, a doctor should definitely be consulted for complaints experienced during pregnancy.
Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy
Approximately 95% of women worldwide experience iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. The main reason is that women of childbearing age do not take enough iron. If a woman experiences symptoms such as extreme fatigue, weakness, exhaustion, inability to eat, depression, palpitations and difficulty breathing at the beginning of pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia is suspected. For this reason, some people use iron pills and take iron supplements as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, and most people start taking them as of the 20th week of pregnancy, with the advice of a doctor. While many vitamin, mineral, calcium and protein needs can be met with daily foods during pregnancy, iron needs cannot be met. For this reason, iron supplements must be taken.
Hemolytic anemia in pregnancy
Hemolytic anemia occurs when an enzyme in the red blood cells in the woman's body is deficient. Hemolytic anemia related to drugs can be caused by infections caused by viruses or bacteria, diabetic acidosis, use of some oxidant drugs and eating broad beans. When hemolytic anemia is detected, the drugs and toxic substances used are first stopped. If an infection has occurred, it must be treated without delay.
Why does anemia occur during pregnancy?
Iron deficiency occurs when iron, which is abundant in animal foods and green leafy vegetables, is taken in less than necessary. Since the need for iron is slightly higher than normal during pregnancy, iron should be taken in proportion to need. In addition, folic acid deficiency, chronic blood loss due to hemorrhoids or similar pathologies, and blood loss due to any accident or illness also cause anemia. Of course, the reason why this anemia increases greatly during pregnancy is that the rapidly growing baby in the womb rapidly depletes the iron reserves in the mother's body. In this context, it should be emphasized that especially in multiple pregnancies, mothers with malnutrition, smoking and alcohol use, digestive system disorders, and those using certain medications are at greater risk of anemia.
How is iron deficiency treated during pregnancy?
Even if the mother is not anemia-free during the check-ups at the beginning of the pregnancy, the doctor recommends iron supplements. Because as the baby grows in the future, it will rapidly deplete the mother's iron reserves. In this way, the woman's iron reserves are supplemented and enriched. Iron supplements, which should be used in all pregnant women after the 20th week of pregnancy , can solve the woman's anemia problem. If the anemia problem seen in every pregnancy is at a normal level, iron pills and syrups are used. Although rare, iron can be injected intravenously. In some pregnant women, anemia that is not treated in time progresses and much more iron is needed. In such cases, the mother needs blood transfusion. Since iron medications used during pregnancy cause constipation in women, it is recommended to increase fluid consumption during the period when these supplements are taken.