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Baby Movements

When can you feel the baby's movements? What does it feel like?

Babies show worm-like movements very early in the womb, at 7-8 weeks. These can only be observed under ultrasound. Since the baby is so small, it is not possible for the pregnant woman to feel them. During this period, what is felt in the abdomen is mostly bowel movements. The movements that the expectant mother can feel start between 16-22 weeks. Those who are in their first pregnancy perceive them later. Because a woman who has given birth will recognize this movement earlier. The movements that pregnant women feel vary from person to person. While some pregnant women describe it as twitching, others describe it as a fluttering or pounding inside. One of my patients described this to her husband as follows; “Close your eyes, put your finger on your eyelid. Now move your eye, this is what it feels like.”

My baby moves less, should I be worried?

Babies are actually individuals living in the womb. Just as their behaviors differ after birth, they do not exhibit the same behaviors in the womb. Some may be very active while others may be calmer. The pregnancy period is very important for evaluating the adequacy of movement. In the periods when it first starts to be felt, movements are more intermittent. Pregnant women may sometimes not feel it for a few days. However, after the 24th week, this situation changes and the baby, which has become stronger, makes itself felt every day in a certain rhythm. After the 28th week, this situation becomes clearer and movement is now the baby's identity. During this period, not feeling any movements for more than a day makes it necessary to see a doctor. In the 32nd week and later, the movements become so strong that they can be painful. It is a criterion that shows the baby's well-being for the doctor who follows up.

Movements occur in the evening when the mother is less active. In fact, they also occur during the day, but the mother does not feel most of them because she is active. Also, when the mother eats and her blood sugar rises, the baby perceives this increase and reacts. A situation that excites the mother also affects the baby and can cause movement.

It is important to be at rest when counting movements. All movements felt are counted. However, it is necessary to count the combined ones as one. Counting ten movements is sufficient. For example, a baby who moves ten times in two hours of rest after dinner is in a good mood. Feeling a decrease in movements in the last period of pregnancy is an important finding and should be shared with the doctor. Sometimes it can be the beginning of a bad event and acting early can be life-saving.


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