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9th Week of Pregnancy

What are the developments in your baby in the 9th week of pregnancy?

In the ninth week of pregnancy, which is approaching the end of the first trimester, stomach problems can still continue. Since your stomach is very sensitive due to hormonal changes during this period, your diet should not include heavy and fatty foods and your meals should be arranged as frequent and small meals. While your stomach being overly full can bother you even during normal periods, it will inevitably bother you during this sensitive period.

How much is your baby's height and weight in the 9th week of pregnancy?

This week your baby is approximately 2 cm long and weighs 2 grams.

What changes can be seen in the expectant mother in the 9th week of pregnancy?

This week of your pregnancy can be thought of as a continuation of the previous week. Although there are no significant changes in your body, there are significant changes in your baby's body, especially in the facial area. During this week, your baby's oral development is complete and your baby begins to open and close their mouth. In addition to oral development, your baby's eyes begin to shift from the sides of the face to the center axis, thus forming a complete human facial profile. During this week, when the nasal bone begins to become more pronounced, the knee joints in the legs are also forming and your baby's extended legs are becoming flexible. In other words, by the ninth week, your baby is gradually moving into a more comfortable position and can move their limbs. In addition to all these changes in your baby's appearance, their intestines are also moving to settle into the abdominal cavity. With the formation and placement of the intestines, where the vitamins and minerals in the nutrients your baby takes in are absorbed, your baby is now ready to be fed orally.


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