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39th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 39th week of pregnancy?

The baby is ready to be born at any moment this week and is like a bomb ready to explode at any moment for the family. It is a week when the baby cannot fit into the uterus and the only change in the body that has been going on since the thirty-eighth week, which is weight gain, continues unabated. The secretions of the baby and the mother are all preparation secretions for birth and the baby is very close to birth.

What is the Baby's Height and Weight in the 39th Week of Pregnancy?

As the baby progresses rapidly towards birth, its size also increases, and during this week its length reaches 49 cm and its weight reaches 3200 grams.

What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 39th Week of Pregnancy?

In this thirty-ninth week, when birth is very close, the baby has grown huge and is in a cramped position in the womb, unable to move. In addition, the lung development and the muscle development necessary for breathing, which he prepared for in the previous weeks, are complete and he is waiting ready for birth.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 39th week of pregnancy?

We have entered a week where the mother-to-be is unable to stand the pain. During this week, the mother should only be waiting and preparing for the birth. The mother becomes even more tired and weak due to the baby being cramped in the uterus and the increase in the intensity of the contractions. The mother's timely arrival at the place of birth will inevitably increase her chances of having her baby with a normal birth. The mother-to-be should notice when there is blood and fluid, immediately inform those around her that the baby is coming, and be there for the birth, and not be negligent.

Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 39th Week of Pregnancy

The father-to-be should have chosen the right hospital and doctor from the very beginning. Because in order for the baby to be born by normal birth and not by cesarean section, he needs to be in the delivery room as soon as the labor starts, the earlier he is in the hospital, the better. For this reason, the father-to-be should not leave the mother-to-be's side this week and should get her to the delivery room as soon as the labor starts. The father-to-be's presence next to the mother during the birth will also be very morale-boosting for the mother.


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