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38th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 38th week of pregnancy?

This week, your baby's desire to go out will increase and he will be more active, increasing your pains. As he is growing, he will not be able to fit into your belly and will not be comfortable there, causing your contractions to increase.

What is the Baby's Height and Weight in the 38th Week of Pregnancy?

Your baby continues to gain between one hundred and fifty and two hundred pounds per week and has gained about the same amount of weight this week, measuring approximately 2950 grams and 48 cm.

What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 38th Week of Pregnancy?

During this time, the baby's abdominal area has grown a little more and the circumference of the head and abdomen are almost equal. You will not see any other changes in the baby other than weight gain this week and from this week onwards.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 38th week of pregnancy?

This week is a week that the mother will not like very much, to be honest. The baby in the mother's belly is gradually gaining weight and getting heavier, or rather, it is becoming uncomfortable. The contractions that the mother felt very little in the previous weeks will now start to hurt the mother a lot. These contractions will start to get both heavier and more frequent this week. A single contraction will last about fifty seconds and these contractions will be renewed three or four times in ten minutes. The increase in these contractions will take you to the hospital more often. You can easily understand the contractions when you put your hand on the mother's belly, that is, the contractions become so obvious this week. Birth can also occur this week, so the mother needs to be constantly monitored. If the public expression for the water breaking occurs, the mother should go to the hospital immediately and it is possible for the mother to give birth this week.

Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 38th Week of Pregnancy

The father candidate should make a good decision about the doctor he chooses this week. The interest, importance and meticulousness of the doctor who will perform the birth are very important. The father candidate should be making preparations for birth this week, that is, waiting for the birth. He will wait for the birth day completely and be careful about the choice of doctor so that the baby can open his eyes to the world in a healthy way.


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