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35th Week of Pregnancy

There is only a limited time left for the birth of your baby and you have entered the final weeks.

What are the changes in the baby in the 35th week of pregnancy?

Your baby is now ready for life outside, his lungs are at a level where they can function even if he is born prematurely. His kidneys and liver are also complete, only the organs are developing themselves. On the other hand, the baby's stomach has reached a level where it can process some nutrients. The weight of his head is due to the development of his brain. His brain will develop and become complete by the end of birth. Although the baby's brain has developed, the skull structure is still soft and has not fused. This is because it becomes easier to exit the mother's womb during birth. The most important situation of your baby is during this week. The baby takes the birth position and goes into a head-down position. Babies who do not take the head-down position represent a very small minority and normal birth of these babies is out of the question.

What is the baby's height and weight in the 35th week of pregnancy?

Your baby's size has reached a level where it will largely prevent your movements. The obvious swelling in your belly is no longer due to the fluid the baby is living in, but due to the size of your baby, and your baby's movements are restricted due to their size. Their estimated weight is 2280 grams and their estimated length is 45 cm.

What does the ultrasound image of the baby look like in the 35th week of pregnancy?

You can easily see whether your baby is in a head-down or normal position in the ultrasound images. Starting this week, regular ultrasound checks should be performed.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 35th week of pregnancy?

Expectant mothers should see their doctors regularly and have their check-ups starting this week. Problems such as fatigue and forgetfulness may occur in pregnancy, these are natural and will pass in the postpartum period. Expectant mothers should pay attention to their baby's movements during this period. If the baby remains motionless for a long time, etc., a check-up should definitely be done. Expectant mothers will experience issues such as heartburn and constant trips to the toilet during this period. The reason is that the baby's volume increases and it puts pressure on the mother's organs.

Advice for fathers-to-be in the 35th week of pregnancy…

The father-to-be should not withhold the necessary help to his wife during this period, as he does in every period. Preparations should be made for the upcoming birth. The shortest routes to the hospital should be determined, and the delivery bag should be prepared. The mother-to-be should be prevented from climbing to high places. For example, a chair, a portable ladder... Accidents may occur due to the mother's fatigue and lack of attention, and these should be prevented.


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