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27th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 27th week of pregnancy?

After this week, the baby is about to complete its seventh month in the womb, which shows that its development is almost complete. From the moment the baby starts to form in the womb, it can perceive many things happening in the outside world thanks to its reactive intelligence. However, after this week, it can understand and feel almost everything and even distinguish its mother's voice from other sounds. Now your baby experiences whatever you experience and feels whatever you feel. Therefore, by singing songs to it and not telling it how much you love it and how impatiently it is waiting for it to come into the world, you will have brought a happy baby into the world. Since your baby's brain functions are developing well this week, it will move more than before and it will definitely respond to your efforts. You can feel your baby's kicks and movements a lot this week. In addition, your baby's vision develops even more this week. Eye color also begins to appear. In addition, lung functions also begin to mature thoroughly this week.

What is the baby's height and weight in the 27th week of pregnancy?

Your baby is approaching 1000 grams this week, but since not every baby is the same, this weight may vary slightly between 650 grams and 1500 grams. After this week, your baby grows approximately 1 cm. This week, the length is approximately 35 cm.

What does the ultrasound image of the baby look like in the 27th week of pregnancy?

This week, you can no longer see your baby as a whole, but in parts. Because your baby is almost finished developing. He has grown too much for you to see directly on an ultrasound. It is possible to come across interesting images of the baby from time to time on 4D ultrasounds. You may rarely see him crying or laughing. It is also possible to count the baby's fingers in this month.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 27th week of pregnancy?

As we mentioned before, your baby is now a little smaller than what he/she will be when he/she is born after this week. Therefore, unfortunately, you may experience severe back pain and cramps very often during these weeks. Similarly, it is possible that you may experience cramps in your legs. In this case, light exercises and breathing exercises will help in such cases. The second pregnancy period is completed with this week. You should avoid gaining excessive weight during this period.

Advice for fathers-to-be in the 27th week of pregnancy

Now that your baby has grown a lot, it will be very difficult for the expectant mother to do heavy work. Therefore, the expectant father should be a little more sensitive and avoid work that will endanger the expectant mother.


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