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24th Week of Pregnancy

What are the changes in the baby in the 24th week of pregnancy?

Your baby continues to develop bone and muscle tissue depending on what you eat and drink. Kicking and punching movements become stronger. The calcium you will take this week is very important for your baby's bone development. In fact, your baby meets his own calcium needs even if you do not take calcium, but since he will meet it from the calcium content in your bones, your bones may become weaker. Starting from this week, your baby's perceptions have started to become stronger and he has started to progress towards becoming an individual.

What is the Baby's Height and Weight in the 24th Week of Pregnancy?

Your baby is getting taller and gaining weight, but don't be discouraged even if he doesn't gain weight because each individual's metabolism is different. Your baby's length this week is approximately 32 cm. His weight has reached an average of 650 grams. Again, as we said, these values are average values.

What Does Your Baby's Ultrasound Look Like in the 24th Week of Pregnancy?

This week, your baby's head, shoulders, and bones have started to develop more, and his or her eyelids are more developed. He or she can move his or her arms and hands more strongly.

What are the changes in the expectant mother in the 24th week of pregnancy?

This week, the mother may be asked for a sugar loading test. This test should be done to find out if the mother has diabetes. During this period, the mother should have a calcium-supported diet because the calcium in her bones needs to be strengthened. Since the baby is getting heavier, it may be difficult to carry. During this period, it is necessary to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits that contain fiber to avoid constipation. Hair loss may occur, but it should not affect the mother's morale in such a negative way. She should not carry very heavy objects, the child may be at risk of miscarriage. There may be changes in her sleep pattern. She may suddenly become hot.

Advice for Fathers-to-Be in the 24th Week of Pregnancy

As in other weeks, the father-to-be needs to be understanding and tolerant this week. The mother-to-be may be demoralized because she is gaining weight, but you can make her feel good by telling her that your spouse is beautiful the way she is. You can make changes from time to time and help your spouse with housework. You need to make your spouse feel that she is not alone by paying close attention to doctor check-ups.


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