Pregnancy is the basic principle in the reproduction of the human race. If a person cannot get pregnant, they cannot continue their lineage. In this context, getting pregnant is an extremely important element for people. Pregnancy lasts for 9 months and 10 days and is a very difficult process. There are important issues to be considered in each week. Because the baby shows different developments in each week. These are the times when the woman starts to feel that she is pregnant. The baby starts to take shape.
What are the changes in the baby in the 16th week of pregnancy?
The baby's organs begin to improve and take shape, the head becomes more distinct than before, the baby begins to grow a little hair, and the child now recognizes the mother's voice and enjoys hearing it. In this way, growth develops more healthily because the child is happy every time he hears his mother's voice.
What is the baby's height and weight in the 16th week of pregnancy?
This week, your baby is approximately 11 cm long and weighs around 100 grams.
What are the changes seen in the mother in the 16th week of pregnancy?
In the 16th week of pregnancy, there are some changes not only in the baby but also in the mother. These start to become more apparent from that week on. Sunspots generally occur in all women on the body in areas exposed to the sun. However, this is usually not a permanent condition. But of course, there are many ways to protect yourself from this situation. One of these is that when going outside, that is, to a sunny environment, they should wear clothes or hats that will protect them from the sun's rays. The 16th week will inevitably affect women's business lives. As the baby begins to grow, the abdomen will swell and its ability to move will become more sensitive. This generally affects work life negatively. For this reason, women take a break from their business lives after the 16th week until birth. The reasons for this are that there will be disruptions in the woman's business life due to pregnancy and that the maternal instinct begins to increase, that is, because it is a time when the woman starts to take more ownership of the baby and feels that it is a part of her at high levels. In the baby, the legs start to grow more compared to the arms. The nails on the hands and feet continue to grow. As the baby starts to grow, it wants to move more. This will start to put a little pressure on the mother. The best example of this is the baby kicking the mother.