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11 Common Misconceptions About IVF Treatment

There are common misconceptions about IVF treatment. Most of these misconceptions are due to lack of sufficient information. Some of them exist due to old IVF treatments.

1) IVF is a very difficult and painful treatment method!

This idea is quite wrong. IVF treatment is a treatment method that has become quite practical with today's technological conditions. It does not have any physical difficulties. The number of drugs used has decreased, side effects have decreased, and treatment processes have even been shortened in a way that does not affect the daily and business lives of the patients. The number of injections given to the expectant mother has been reduced as much as possible. IVF treatment is a very successful and practical treatment method that can be completed in 15 days.

Patients do not feel any pain or soreness at any stage of the treatment.

2) The second attempt at IVF is more successful!

In IVF treatments, the first three treatments have the same success rate. After three attempts, success rates decrease. Factors that are thought to increase the chance of success in the second attempt include a more detailed investigation of the reasons for the failure of the first treatment, increased compliance with the treatment, and correct medication adjustments.

3) After IVF treatment, the woman should not get out of bed!

It is thought that lying down after the IVF treatment is completed and the embryo transfer is completed increases the chance of pregnancy. However, this idea has no scientific basis. The embryos placed during the transfer phase do not fall out by standing up. In fact, it causes the opposite effect. A woman who lies down constantly gets stressed, and stress is a proven factor that negatively affects pregnancy.

4) IVF treatment leads to multiple pregnancies!

There is a high risk of multiple pregnancies in IVF treatments. However, multiple pregnancies do not occur in every IVF attempt. Various regulations have been made to prevent this risk. Women under the age of 35 are allowed to transfer a single embryo in each attempt. In other cases, a maximum of two embryos are transferred. In this way, the risk of multiple pregnancies is minimized.

Multiple pregnancies are an undesirable situation in IVF treatments. It is known that multiple pregnancies cause various risks for the baby and the mother.

5) You can have a child with IVF at any age!

A woman's reproductive potential decreases with age. Most women should not postpone having children with the idea that "we will have IVF in the future anyway." Because the chance of IVF treatment decreases with age. While a woman maintains her fertility until the age of 30, her chance of reproduction gradually decreases after the age of 30. At the age of 40, the chance of reproduction has decreased significantly. For this reason, the idea of having children should not be postponed by relying on IVF treatment.

6) In IVF treatment, other people's sperm or eggs may be mixed!

IVF centers with reliable and successful pregnancy rates do not have the luxury of making the mistake of mixing eggs or sperm. All planning and programming is based on preventing this mistake. For this reason, identity checks are kept very strict. These identity checks are done by more than one person at each stage or treatment. Embryology laboratories are areas with high security systems. Entrances and exits are not open to everyone. Only a few people can enter this area. And these areas are monitored by cameras 24 hours a day.

7) A man with no sperm cells has no chance of becoming a father!

Today, with the developing technology, sperm finding methods have been developed considerably. Sperm can be obtained from men with various methods. The chance of pregnancy can be achieved with a single sperm found with the microinjection method.

8) Success rates in IVF are 100%!

No assisted reproduction method can offer a 100% guarantee. IVF treatments are the treatment method with the highest success rates. However, the success rate is not 100%. The success rate in IVF treatments is approximately 65%. There are factors that increase and decrease this success rate. The most important of these factors is the woman's age. For this reason, a couple who applies to the center for treatment should be told the truth about their success rates.

The number of babies born through in vitro fertilization treatment has exceeded 6 million in the world.

The number of babies born through in vitro fertilization is increasing every day.

9 ) Drugs used in treatment increase the risk of cancer!

For this reason, couples are very hesitant to apply for IVF treatment. However, research and studies on the drugs used in the treatment and the applications have proven that IVF treatment does not cause cancer.

10 ) The pregnancy rate is the same for everyone!

The chance of success in each treatment is different. This depends on the couple's illnesses, age and other characteristics.

11 ) IVF treatment causes early menopause!

Most women are hesitant about IVF treatment because of this idea. This idea is quite common. However, patients do not need to have doubts about this issue. The woman's ovaries or eggs are not negatively affected by the treatment. Eggs are developed and collected with drug treatment. No intervention is made that will reduce the number of eggs available.


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