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Feneryolu District Bagdat Street No:53/59, Ersoy Business Center, B Block, Floor 5 Kiziltoprak/Kadıköy
What is Myoma and How is it Treated?
What is myoma? Myomas are benign tumors that develop from the smooth muscle tissue in the uterus and cervix. Since cancer comes to mind...
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disorder that affects the entire skeleton, resulting from the decrease in the hardness of the bones in the body and...
What is Hysteroscopy and How is it Performed?
What is hysteroscopy? In the hysteroscopy method, the uterus is generally entered using a thin tube-shaped lens system. This method is...
What is Postpartum Syndrome?
Postpartum syndrome; It shows itself with both physical and psychological effects in women. The first of these; It is a rare condition...
Can Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) Be Treated?
What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is the name given to the condition where the endometrium settles in other tissues. It is usually...
What are the Gynecological Diseases that Occur in Summer?
There is a significant increase in women's diseases when summer comes. Excessive heat, excessive sweating, and poor hygiene conditions...
What Causes Menstrual Irregularity?
Irregular menstrual periods are assessed in women with cycles that are shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. If menstrual bleeding...
Stem Cell and Cord Blood Information
Stem Cells and Umbilical Cord Blood Our bodies originate from a single cell that is formed by the union of sperm and egg and develops...
What are the methods to prevent chocolate cysts?
In people of reproductive age who continue to menstruate, the inner layer of the uterus thickens regularly every month depending on the...
Painful Menstruation in Women
Menstruation is the name given to the monthly bleeding in the genital area of women. When women menstruate, their bodies shed the lining...
Do Fibroids Prevent Pregnancy?
Myomas are masses that can migrate through the uterine wall by settling in the area where the baby is developing in the uterus and in the...
When Should You Visit a Gynecologist?
Women go to the gynecologist when they have certain complaints at certain times in their lives, to get information about any subject or...
What are the symptoms of chocolate cyst?
Chocolate cyst, known in medicine as Endometriosis, is a disorder that is frequently encountered in women over the age of 30 and more...
Do Fibroids Prevent Pregnancy?
Myomas are benign tumors or masses that occur in the smooth muscles of the uterus due to reasons originating from the uterine tissue....
What are the Types of Myoma?
Myomas are tumors that occur in the uterus and around the cervix, in the form of abnormal growth of smooth muscle tissue. Myoma...
Gynecological Infections
One of the most common problems experienced by many women is the discomfort that occurs with gynecological infections. Gynecological...
What are the Diagnosis, Stages and Dimensions of Chocolate Cyst?
The inner surface of the uterus thickens with each menstrual cycle, making it suitable for the placement of an embryo. When an egg...
What are the risks of fibroids during pregnancy?
Although myomas are a very common problem in women, they can usually be detected during a gynecological examination performed for...
Does Chocolate Cyst Prevent Pregnancy?
The disease called endometriosis occurs when the endometrium layer inside the uterus settles somewhere else, for reasons not fully known,...
Does Chocolate Cyst Cause Cancer?
Chocolate cysts, which are seen in 15% of women of reproductive age, are effective in 30% of women who have difficulty conceiving. These...
How is Chocolate Cyst Treated?
Chocolate cyst is a disorder that manifests itself with severe pain in the pelvic region that is not affected by painkillers, especially...
Do Fibroids Turn into Cancer?
Myomas are benign tumors that develop in the uterus, cervix and outer surface of the uterus. The structure of the uterus is made up of...
What Happens If Chocolate Cyst Is Not Treated?
Chocolate cysts, which are among the most common health problems in women's reproductive systems, are usually caused by hereditary...
What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant After Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that occurs when endometrial tissue in the uterus settles and develops in areas outside the...
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