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Feneryolu District Bagdat Street No:53/59, Ersoy Business Center, B Block, Floor 5 Kiziltoprak/Kadıköy
Reflux During Pregnancy in 10 Questions
What is reflux and what causes it? In the simplest terms, the problem of food in the stomach coming back up to the mouth and throat...
Gestational Diabetes in 10 Questions
What is diabetes? In diabetes, which occurs when a person's glucose (sugar) levels increase, the person drinks too much water, eats too...
What is Nuchal Translucency Measurement?
Down Syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality. All pregnant women are evaluated in terms of the risk of their babies carrying...
What is the Threat and Risk of Miscarriage?
A miscarriage is considered to occur before the 20th week of pregnancy . If the pregnancy ends after the 20th week, this is premature...
Preparing for Pregnancy
What Should People Planning Pregnancy Do First? Couples planning a pregnancy should first think about whether it is the right time. In...
Nausea During Pregnancy
How Do You Define Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy? Vomiting: The discharge of the contents of the stomach and upper small intestine...
Normal Birth or Caesarean Section? Which One to Decide?
From the moment pregnancy begins, the question on the mind of a pregnant woman is how she will give birth. Vaginal birth, which is as...
What is Pregnancy Tracking?
It is the determination and meeting of the medical needs of the pregnant woman from the moment the pregnancy is planned until the birth...
Is Sex Possible During Pregnancy?
From the moment the pregnancy occurs, expectant parents who direct all their attention to the baby, postpone or dilute the sexual life...
Can or Should You Exercise During Pregnancy?
In our society, exercise is thought to be necessary to lose weight and is often forgotten in the intensity of daily life. Even people who...
Can Stretch Marks on the Belly During Pregnancy Be Prevented?
Cosmetic concerns are so exaggerated by some women that they may even be the reason for delaying pregnancy. Natural weight gain and the...
Why do varicose veins occur during pregnancy and how can they be prevented?
The veins that carry clean blood from the heart to the organs and tissues are called arteries. The veins that carry dirty blood back to...
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Foods that should not be eaten during pregnancy There are certain foods and food types that can cause problems during pregnancy, even if...
Travel During Pregnancy
The idea of traveling during pregnancy is often worrying for pregnant women and their partners. Families who are stressed out about the...
How to Deal with Dental Problems During Pregnancy?
Dental problems increase during pregnancy compared to other periods. Tooth and gum sensitivity, bleeding gums, gingivitis, gum recession,...
Which Anesthesia Method is Suitable During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, surgical interventions that are not related to pregnancy may be necessary. In cases of trauma such as falls, traffic...
If Surgery is Necessary During Pregnancy, In Which Months Should It Be Performed?
During pregnancy, sometimes surgery may be required due to pregnancy-related reasons and sometimes due to problems other than pregnancy....
Anemia During Pregnancy, Vitamins and Calciums
All vitamins needed in daily life can be obtained through healthy nutrition. Pregnant women have the following question in their minds...
Hair Dye and Epilation During Pregnancy
Scientific studies, although not definitive, have not reported any negative effects of hair dyeing during pregnancy on the baby. Hair...
Baby Movements
When can you feel the baby's movements? What does it feel like? Babies show worm-like movements very early in the womb, at 7-8 weeks....
Twin Pregnancy
What are the risks of twin pregnancies? Twin pregnancy is like two people traveling on a long-distance bus in one seat. Although...
Which Screening Tests Should Be Performed During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, doctors request a number of tests to determine the well-being of the mother and baby or to determine any problems that...
What is Amniocentesis?
Amniocentesis is defined as taking a sample from the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac, which contains the baby. The steps of the...
What is CVS (Chorionvillus Biopsy)?
The concern about genetic problems creates anxiety in the doctor and the pregnant woman from the very beginning of the pregnancy....
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